Integrated biopharmaceutical approach in pharmaceutical development and drug characterization: general concept and application
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The importance of biopharmaceutical considerations in pharmaceutical development and drug characterization has been well recognized both by pharmaceutical industry and regulatory authorities as a tool to establish predictive relationships between drug product quality attributes (in vitro data) and its clinical performance (in vivo data). In the present paper, contemporary biopharmaceutics toolkit including in vivo predictive dissolution testing, Biopharmaceutics Classification System, physiologically based pharmacokinetic and biopharmaceutics modeling and simulation, in vitro-in vivo correlation and biowaiver, are reviewed with regards to relevant general principles and applicability. The recently introduced innovative strategy for patient-centric drug development using an integrated systems approach grounded in fundamental biopharmaceutics concepts, clinical insights and therapeutic drug delivery targets, described as Biopharmaceutics Risk Assessment Roadmap (BioRAM) is also presented. Further development in the field will benefit from joint efforts and exchange of knowledge and experiences between pharmaceutical industry and regulatory authorities for the common goal to accelerate development of effective and safe drug products designed in accordance with patients needs and expectations.
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