Micromechanical analysis of fatigue and crack growth in carbon-fiber epoxy composites based on mechanical testing

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Aleksandra N. Jelić
Milica M. Sekulić
Marina R. Stamenović
Vukašin Đ. Ugrinović
Slaviša S. Putić


The paper presents static and dynamic tests of carbon/epoxy composite materials with fiber orientation at 0°/90° and ±45°. The main tensile properties were determined as a basis for subsequent dynamic tests, in which permanent dynamic strength, crack growth, and crack growth rate in the material due to the action of fatigue load were assessed. Comparisons were made regarding the structure of the tested specimens. Samples were obtained from prepregs with a specific density of 1600 kg/m3. The tests were performed at room temperature. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to analyze the damage in the material during these tests, the mechanisms of their further damage progression and, the impact on the growth and growth rate of the initial crack in the material. The analysis of numerical results and micromechanical analysis confirmed the dominant role of the reinforcing structural element in the material in all performed tests. The obtained results are of great importance in the application of composite materials of such structures under different operating conditions and load regimes.

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Kako citirati

A. N. Jelić, M. M. Sekulić, M. R. Stamenović, V. Đ. Ugrinović, and S. S. Putić, “Micromechanical analysis of fatigue and crack growth in carbon-fiber epoxy composites based on mechanical testing”, Hem Ind, vol. 74, no. 4, pp. 257–264, Sep. 2020, doi: 10.2298/HEMIND200615022J.


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