Is there a need for systematic education on peer-reviewing in Serbia?

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Ivana Drvenica
Aleksandar Dekanski
Nevena Buđevac
Ivan Umeljić
Olgica Nedić


The rate of scientific information generation has increased tremendously in the last few years as a result of the increase in both the number of researchers, studies and papers, and the number of scientific journals. In 2015, approximately 1.3 million articles were submitted to Elsevier journals by 1.8 million authors (it is estimated that there were 7.8 million active researchers worldwide in that year). The number of reviewers who evaluated these manuscripts were 0.7 million. According to the survey conducted by Wiley in 2015, 22 million research hours was spent annually for reviewing for the top 12 producing publishers. The most recent data released by Clarivate Analytics in 2017 estimate that 2 million scientific reports are published annually, imposing a large demand for the increase in the peer-review capacity to manage all scientific contributions. An additional complication is that the burden of peer-reviewing falls disproportionately on academics from the US and Europe, since researchers from Asia, Africa and South America are rarely called to act as peer-reviewers 

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I. Drvenica, A. Dekanski, N. Buđevac, I. Umeljić, and O. Nedić, “Is there a need for systematic education on peer-reviewing in Serbia?”, Hem Ind, vol. 73, no. 5, pp. 275–279, Nov. 2019, doi: 10.2298/HEMIND191020029D.


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