Immobilization of Chaga extract in alginate beads for modified release: simplicity meets efficiency

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Predrag Petrović
Katarina Ivanović
Charly Octrue
Mića Tumara
Aleksandra Jovanović
Jovana Vunduk
Miomir Nikšić
Rada Pjanović
Branko Bugarski
Anita Klaus


Chaga (Inonotus obliquus) is a parasitic fungus which has been used in traditional medicine in Russia and other northern European countries in treatment of cancer, gastrointestinal, liver and other diseases. It has been a subject of intensive research recently, confirming many of its health-beneficial effects. In order to obtain a product that would allow modified and prolonged release of the Chagas active metabolites, hot water Chaga extract was encapsulated using sodium alginate. The extract, which was predominantly made of carbohydrates (57%), also contained relatively large amount of antioxidants/phenolic compounds (130 mg gallic acid equivalents per g of dry extract) and exhibited pronounced radical scavenging activity. It showed significant antibacterial activity as well, inhibiting growth of tested bacterial strains at concentrations of 1.25-20 mg/mL. Encapsulation efficiency was almost 80%, and the extract-alginate system showed pH-dependant extract release; there was almost no release at pH 1.75 (gastric pH), and the release gradually increased with the rise of the pH level, reaching maximum of about 43% of released extract at pH=8.5 after 90 min. Such product could be used as a dietary supplement, adjuvant in therapy of gastrointestinal diseases or as a food additive.

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Hemijskoo inženjerstvo - Farmaceutsko inženjerstvo

Author Biography

Rada Pjanović, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade, Belgrade

Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade, Belgrade

Kako citirati

P. Petrović, “Immobilization of Chaga extract in alginate beads for modified release: simplicity meets efficiency”, Hem Ind, vol. 73, no. 5, pp. 325–335, Nov. 2019, doi: 10.2298/HEMIND190819028P.


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