Temperature changes in the pulp chamber induced by polymerization of resin-based dental restoratives following simulated direct pulp capping

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Violeta Petrovic
Jovana Stasic
Vojislav Komlenic
Tatjana Savic-Stankovic
Marina Latkovic
Vesna Miletic


The objective of this study was to measure temperature changes in the pulp chamber induced by polymerization of resin-based dental restoratives following a simulated procedure of direct pulp capping. Class I cavities with a microperforation at the pulp horn were prepared in extracted human molar teeth. The complete procedure of direct pulp capping and cavity restoration was performed with the root part of extracted teeth fixed in a water bath at 37 °C. Mineral trioxide aggregate, bioactive dentin substitute or calcium-hydroxide paste were used as pulp capping materials. Cavities were restored with a light-cured or chemically-cured resin-modified glass ionomer, universal adhesive and a bulk-fill composite, cured with a high-intensity LED unit. Pulp capping materials caused a slight temperature decrease. Lower temperature increase was recorded during light-curing of the glass ionomer liner after direct capping with mineral trioxide aggregate and calcium-hydroxide than that recorded for the bioactive dentin substitute. Adhesive light-curing increased temperature in all groups with higher mean temperatures in groups with chemically-cured as compared to those for the light-cured glass ionomer liner. Direct pulp capping with mineral trioxide aggregate or calcium-hydroxide followed by the light-cured resin-modified glass ionomer liner and a bonded bulk-fill composite restoration induced temperature changes below the potentially adverse threshold of 42.5 °C.

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Inženjerstvo materijala - Biomaterijali

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V. Petrovic, J. Stasic, V. Komlenic, T. Savic-Stankovic, M. Latkovic, and V. Miletic, “Temperature changes in the pulp chamber induced by polymerization of resin-based dental restoratives following simulated direct pulp capping”, Hem Ind, vol. 73, no. 4, pp. 239–248, Sep. 2019, doi: 10.2298/HEMIND190504020P.


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