The wet high intensity magnetic separation of magnesite ore waste
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The wet high intensity magnetic separation of magnesite ore waste stocked in an open pit of a magnesite mine was investigated in this paper. The received sample was subjected to physical, chemical, thermal and phase characterizations. The magnesite ore waste sample contained 77.69 % MgCO3 and a considerable amount of Fe2O3 (3.14 %). The unwanted silica and iron impurities were removed and a high-grade magnesite was experimentally obtained. Results have shown that a high-grade magnesite was obtained after subjecting the non-magnetic portion of the processed sample twice at 1.8 T. It was possible to increase the magnesite content up to 91.03 % while reducing the iron content to 0.32 % by using magnetic separation. After the calcination process at 1000 oC, the sample showed mass loss on ignition of 52 % and contained 85.39 % MgO with 0.32 % Fe2O3. The final product can be used in chemical and metallurgical applications where high magnesia contents are required. The experimental results provide useful information on wet magnetic separation of magnesite wastes.
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