An investigation into the effects of excipients on quality characteristics of a dry herbal extract containing capsule
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Nutrition and dietary supplements have a significant role in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease. Olive and vine leaves, thanks to their constituents, represent powerful natural antioxidants exhibiting cardioprotective activity. High concentrations of active ingredients can be provided by means of extraction. Dry herbal extracts are highly sensitive to moisture and elevated temperature and from the pharmaceutical and technological point of view these are raw materials with inadequate technological properties. The aim of this study was to investigate and to compare the influence of different excipients in capsule formulation of these two dry extracts i.e. the selection of excipients that will ensure appropriate critical process parameters in the manufacturing procedure. The monitored quality characteristics include flowability, bulk density and tapped density that are critical for technological feasibility of the capsule-filling operation. The effects of excipients on the above parameters have been experimentally studied and the appropriate capsule formulations have been developed based on the obtained results, which will ensure homogeneity and stability of the preparation.
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