Application of the reaction system methylene blue B–(NH4)2S2O8 for the kinetic spectrophotometric determination of palladium in citric buffer media
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A new, simple, rapid, sensitive and selective kinetic spectrophotometric method for Pd(II) traces determination was elaborated in this paper. It is based on the catalytic effect of palladium ions upon the oxidation of methylene blue B (MBB) by (NH4)2S2O8 (APS) in citric buffer (BUF) solution. At the working temperature of 25 °C and the wavelength of 662.4 nm, the optimal conditions for palladium determination were found. RSD value was found to be 2.6 to 4.9% for the investigated concentration range of Pd(II). Limit of detection (LD) was found to be 2.0 ng cm–3 Pd(II), and limit of quantification (LQ) is 6.9 ng cm–3 Pd(II). Only the presence of Pb2+, Hg2+ and Sn2+ in the reaction mixture interferes the determination of palladium by this method, while Au3+ and Ag+ have the catalytic effect upon the reaction rate. By this method, it is possible to determine the Pd(II) traces in the concentration range of 3.3´10–8 to 1.0´10–6 g cm–3. The method was confirmed by determination of Pd(II) traces in alloy PtRhG as well as in the powder of Pt. The obtained results were compared to those obtained by ICP-OES method and good agreement of results was found.
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