Statement of the author of the Letter to Editor: Challenges and doubts of electrochemical energy conversion and storage

Main Article Content

Aleksandar B. Dekanski


I would like to publicly apologize to my colleague and friend Dr. Branimir Grgur, professor at the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy in Belgrade, for the recklessness of using his Figure as an idea to create Figure 2 in the paper Challenges and dilemmas of electrochemical conversion and energy storage, published in volume 76, No. 1 (2022) of this journal [1]. I had a private approach to his original Figure, and I inadvertently did not inform that this figure was published in a monograph entitled Alternative Energy Sources: Principles of Conversion and Storage, published by the Corrosion Engineering Society, Belgrade, 2015, ISBN 978-86-91303 -6-1, Figure 3.1 on page 47 [2]. Thus, I unethically failed to indicate the authorship of my colleague Grgur for this Figure and to cite monograph.

After Dr. Grgur drew the attention of the Journal's Editorial Office to my mistake and after I apologized to him that the mistake was not made intentionally, but by my carelessness, my colleague Grgur had much understanding for my explanation of the mistake, for which I am extremely grateful.

The Editor of the journal decided to publish the Corrigendum in this issue of the journal [3], and to make the necessary changes in the Online version of the article [1], which indicate that Figure 2 was created by modifying the original image of Dr. Grgur.

Article Details


Letter to the Editor*

How to Cite

A. B. Dekanski, “Statement of the author of the Letter to Editor: Challenges and doubts of electrochemical energy conversion and storage”, Hem Ind, vol. 76, no. 2, pp. 131–132, Apr. 2022, Accessed: Feb. 22, 2025. [Online]. Available:


Dekanski A, Challenges and doubts of electrochemical energy conversion and storage, Hem. Ind. 2022;76(1):43-54.

Grgur B, Alternativni izvori energije: principi konverzije i skladištenja, Inženjersko društvo za koroziju, Beograd, 2015, ISBN 978-86-91303-6-1, 47 – in Serbian

Corrigendum, Hem. Ind. 2022;Articles in Press.