Implementation of emergency measures to improve the efficiency of nickel removal from water at the existing water treatment plant Original scientific paper

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Zorana Radibratoivć
Biljana Cakić
Marija Vilotijević
Ivona Radović
Mirjana Kijevčanin


In this paper, based on the data of the Ribnica accumulation (Serbia), and the required quality of raw and treated water, an optimal solution for improving and optimization of the technology of water purification to drinking quality at a water treatment plant (WTP) in Zlatibor, Serbia, was proposed to ensure maximum efficiency and flexibility in system operation. Analysis of water quality has shown that after the treatment at the plant, all parameters were within the respective maximum available concentrations (MAC) stipulated by the Rulebook on the hygienic suitability of potable water of the Republic of Serbia, except for the nickel content. The paper presents the results of the nickel removal using multiple laboratory tests as well as at the WTP to achieve the best procedure for water treatment. In accordance with the results obtained the water quality problem in terms of the nickel removal was solved and the required effects are obtained (nickel content below the MAC, i.e. <0.02 mg dm-3)

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Environmental Engineering - Waste Water Treatment

How to Cite

Z. Radibratoivć, B. Cakić, M. Vilotijević, I. . Radović, and M. Kijevčanin, “Implementation of emergency measures to improve the efficiency of nickel removal from water at the existing water treatment plant: Original scientific paper”, Hem Ind, Feb. 2025, doi: 10.2298/HEMIND240425024R.


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