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The Journal Hemijska industrija (abbreviation Hem. Ind.) is an international journal publishing papers in the fields of Chemical Engineering (Transport phenomena; Process Modeling, Simulation and Optimization; Thermodynamics; Separation Processes; Reactor Engineering; Electrochemical Engineering; Petrochemical Engineering, General Chemical Engineering), Biochemical Engineering (Bioreactors; Protein Engineering; Kinetics of Bioprocesses, General Biochemical Engineering), Materials Engineering (Polymers; Metal materials; Composites; Biomaterials), Environmental Engineering and Applied Chemistry. Four issues are published annually.
The Editorial Board expects the editors, reviewers and authors to respect the well-known standard of professional ethics.
All manuscripts have to be original and not previously published. The journal Hemijska industrija accepts the following types of contributions (number of pages in brackets refer to text without figures and tables):
•    Original scientific papers (up to 24 pages),
•    Review articles (up to 36 pages with at least 10 auto-citations (including all authors) of papers published in journals listed in the Science Citation Index (SCI) journal list), present a concise and critical survey of a specific research area. Generally, these are prepared at the invitation of the Editor.
•    Technical papers (up to 12 pages) present a brief description of a specific development, technique, or procedure, or it may describe a modification of an existing technique, procedure or device applicable in industry or practice.
•    Letters to the Editor report miscellaneous topics directed directly to the Editor.
•    Let's Refresh our Knowledge present technical papers providing overviews of specific topics, which are especially attractive for young researchers, practitioners and scientists who want to gain insights in the subject matter; these are prepared at the invitation of the Editor.
•    Book and Event Review 
Manuscripts have to be prepared as MS Word files (.doc, .docx or .rtf). Manuscripts should be written in good English (either standard British or American English, but consistent throughout). Authors for whom English is not their native language are encouraged to have their paper checked before submission for grammar and clarity by a native English speaker.
Manuscripts should be typed using Calibri, font size 12 with double line spacing on A4 size page leaving 2.5 cm for margins. Hemijska industrija requires authors to include tables and figures in the body of the article at the appropriate position, not at the end of the article (see also the “Figures” and “Tables” sections). Footnotes should be avoided. Pages must be numbered consecutively throughout the manuscript.
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Title page
Title page should contain: the title, full names of all authors and their affiliations. The title should be concise, attractive and informative. Abbreviations, except for very common terms (e.g. DNA, NMR), should not be used in the title. The author’s affiliation should be indicated by an Arabic number placed as a superscript after the name as well as before the affiliation. Use * to denote the corresponding author. At the bottom of the page, state the name, affiliation, postal address, and the e-mail address of the corresponding author.
One-paragraph abstract consisting of 150-200 words should be provided on the second page. Authors from Serbia and former Yugoslavia should also submit an abstract in Serbian including the title, authors, and affiliations and keywords on a separate page after References.
Keywords: Up to 6 keywords should be given after the Abstract. Do not use words appearing in the title.
Manuscript structure
Divide your article into clearly defined and numbered sections. The text may contain: Introduction, Experimental, Results and Discussion and Conclusion. Subsections should be numbered 1.1 (then 1.1.1, 1.1.2, ...), 1.2, etc. (the abstract is not included in section numbering). Use this numbering also for internal cross-referencing: do not just refer to 'the text'. Any subsection may be given a brief heading. Each heading should appear on its own separate line.
INTRODUCTION - The Introduction should include the aim of the research and a concise description of background information and related studies directly connected to the paper. A detailed literature survey or a summary of the results should be avoided.
EXPERIMENTAL (or Materials and Methods)- The Experimental section should provide the purity and source of all employed materials, as well as details of the instruments used with producers and countries of origin. The employed methods should be described in sufficient detail to enable experienced persons to repeat them. Standard procedures should be referenced and only modifications described in detail. It is required to state how many replicate experiments were conducted and inclusion of a section on statistical analysis is highly recommended.
Adequate evidence to enable the identity and purity of all newly synthesized compounds should be provided (m.p. or b.p., UV-Vis, IR, NMR, MS and/or elemental analysis). Known compounds must have adequate references (m.p.).
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION - The Results and discussion may be combined or kept separate. Results should be concisely presented while discussion should explore the significance of the results, not repeat them. Discussion is required in the case of Original scientific papers and Review articles.
CONCLUSIONS - The Conclusion section should briefly summarize the principal conclusions drawn from the study.
NOMENCLATURE (opt.) - Nomenclature is optional but, if the authors wish, a list of employed symbols may be included.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS - These should be kept to a minimum.
REFERENCES -List of references should start on a separate page. Indicate references in the text by numerals in square brackets in consecutive order (e.g. [1], [3-6]). All publications cited in the text should be presented in the list of references. The list of references should be arranged according to their appearance in the text. Give names of all authors (do not use "et al.") with their initials after the respective surnames. Abbreviations of journal titles should conform to those adopted by Chemical Abstracts.

We suggest you to use Mendeley, a free reference manager ( and HemInd Citation Style, which can be downloaded only from (copy the link and paste it into Mendeley reference manager: Get More Style - Download Style)

[1]    Smith WV, Cudra JH, Cambell HN. Kinetics of alkane pyrolysis. J Chem Phys. 1958; 15: 338−356 h
[2]    Levenspiel O. Chemical Reaction Engineering. 3rd ed., New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons; 1999*.
[3]    Solensky R. Drug allergy: desensitization and treatment of reactions to antibiotics and aspirin. In: Lockey P, ed. Allergens and Allergen Immunotherapy. 3rd ed. New York, NY: Marcel Dekker; 2004:585-606*.
If the reference is not in English, French, German or Russian, the language of the reference should be given in parentheses at the end of reference citation, e.g.:
[4]    Savaşkan M, Taptık Y, Ürgen M. Deney tasarımı yöntemi ile matkap uçlarında performans optimi-zasyonu. İTÜ Dergisi/Mühendislik. 2004; 3: 117–128*. (in Turkish)
[5]    Delević VM, Zejnilović RM, Jančić-Stojanović BS, Zrnić Ćirić MD, Đorđević BI, Stanković IM. Uticaj termičkih tretmana na sintezu akrilamida i njegova kvantifikacija metodom gasne hromatografije sa azot–fosfornim detektorom. Hem Ind. 2016; 70: 31-36*. (in Serbian) 
*doi should be replaced by doi number of the Article, for example: (as active link). If doi do not exist, provide the link to the online version of the publication, or ISBN for books.
If conference proceedings, standards, and patents are cited, please indicate them as:
[6]    Surname AB, Surname CD. Title of the Proceeding. In: Proceedings of Name of the Conference or Symposium. Place of the Conference, Country, Year, pp. 100-102.
[7]    EN ISO 250: Title of the Standard. Year
[8]    Inventor AB, Inventor CD. Title of the patent. Country Code and patent number, registration year
Online citations should be avoided, but if essential they should include the author, title, website and date of access:
[9]    Wright NA. The Title of the Online citation. URL in full. Accessed June 7, 2014.
[10]    Title of the website. URL in full. Accessed June 7, 2014.
For non-readily available literature, the Chemical Abstracts reference should be given in square brackets
[11]    Boixassa A, Pons J, Solans X, Ros J. New dinuclear Pd(II) complex with pyrazolate bridges. Synthesis and crystal structure of [Pd(μ-pz)(pzH)2]2(BF4)2 (pzH=pyrazole). Inorg Chem Comm. 2003; 6: 922-925 [C. A.139/2003 357348t]

TABLES - Tables must be embedded in the main text of the manuscript and should follow the paragraph in which they are mentioned for the first time. Tables should be numbered consecutively in order to which they are referred by Arabic numerals. Each table should have a brief descriptive title written above the table. Tables must be prepared with the aid of the WORD table function, without vertical lines. The minimum size of the font in the tables should be 10 pt. Table columns must not be formatted using multiple spaces. Table rows must not be formatted using any returns (enter key; ↵ key), with a width limited by margins. Tables should not be incorporated as graphical objects. Footnotes to Tables should be typed below the table and are to be indicated consecutively (in a single line) in superscript letters and separated by semi-column. Tables should not duplicate results presented elsewhere in the manuscript (e.g. in graphs).

FIGURES - Photographs, charts and diagrams are all to be referred to as "Figure(s)". Figures should be embedded in the main text of the manuscript and should follow the paragraph in which they are mentioned for the first time.Figures should be numbered (by Arabic numerals) consecutively in the order to which they are referred, and given a descriptive caption placed below the figure (not on the figure itself). The captions, either for tables or figures, should make the items comprehensible without reading of the main text (but clearly referenced in). Keep text in the captions to a minimum but explain all symbols and abbreviations used. Number of figures should be restricted to the minimum.

Figures should be in TIFF or EPS formats, as well as JPEG format (for color photographs, only). MS files (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Visio) are NOT acceptable. Authors are responsible for the quality of their submitted artwork. Low resolution images should be embedded within the text while high resolution images should be provided separately and uploaded as individual files or as an archived file (.zip, .rar or .arj). Name your figure files with "Fig" and the figure number, e.g., Fig1. Every single Figure or Scheme, as well as any part of the Figure (A, B, C…) should be prepared according to following instructions:


TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) is the recommended file format for line art, grayscale and color images.

  • Color images should be in the RGB mode (only for the online version of the paper)
  • When supplying TIFF files, please ensure that the files are supplied at the correct resolution:

1. RGB image: minimum of 300 dpi

2. Grayscale image: minimum of 600 dpi

3. Line art: minimum of 1000 dpi

4. Combination artwork (line/grayscale/RGB): minimum of 500 dpi

  • Images should be tightly cropped, without frame and any caption.
  • If possible, for labeling in artwork, please use the font Calibri or Arial and ensure it is of the appropriate size.
  • Save the image in TIFF format with LZW compression applied.


For vector graphics, EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) format is preferred as long as it follows next guidelines:

  • if bitmap images are included, they should be prepared according to instructions for TIFF files
  • if the graphic is in color, it should be encoded as RGB
  • only the following fonts should be used in artwork: Calibri, Arial, Helvetica, Symbol
  • spaces between parts of a multi-panel illustration should be limited to the bare necessity for visual clarity
  • line weights should range from 0.35 pt to 1.5 pt
  • all layers should be merged to one layer before saving the final image (Flatten Artwork)


JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) is the acceptable file format only for color photographs. JPEG can be created with respect to the photographs quality (low, medium, high, maximum; from 1 to 12), ensuring that the file sizes are kept to a minimum to provide an easy file transfer.

Sizing of artwork

Journal Hemijska industrija aspires to have a uniform look for all artwork contained in a single article. Hence, it is important to be aware of the style of the journal.

  • As a general rule, the lettering on an artwork should have a finished, printed size of 11 pt for normal text and no smaller than 7 pt for subscript and superscript characters. Smaller lettering will yield a text that is barely legible. This is a rule-of-thumb rather than a strict rule. There are instances where other factors in the artwork, (for example, tints and shadings) dictate a finished size of perhaps 10 pt. Lines should be of at least 1 pt thickness.
  • When deciding on the size of a line art graphic, in addition to the lettering, there are several other factors to address. These all have a bearing on the reproducibility/readability of the final artwork. Tints and shadings have to be printable at the finished size. All relevant detail in the illustration, the graph symbols (squares, triangles, circles, etc.) and a key to the diagram (to explain the graph symbols used) must be discernible.

General sizing of illustrations which can be used for the Journal of Hemijska industrija:

  • Minimum fig. size: 50 mm width
  • Small fig. size - 80 mm width
  • Large fig. size - 120 mm width
  • Maximum fig. size - 150 mm width

Pixel requirements (width) per print size and resolution for bitmap images:


Image width




Minimal size

50 mm




Small size

80 mm




Large size

120 mm




Maximal size

150 mm




A: 300 dpi >       RGB or Grayscale image

B: 500 dpi >        Combination artwork (line/grayscale/RGB)

C: 1000 dpi >     Line artwork

If some artwork/tables is reproduced from already published papers in journals or books, permission for use of the above mentioned material has to be obtained from the publisher. Full acknowledgement has to be given to the original sourcein the form that publisher required in the permission. It is the responsibility of authors to obtain the reprint permissions.


Follow internationally accepted rules and conventions: use the international system of units (SI). If other units are mentioned, please give their equivalent in SI.

Formulae and Equations

Formulae and math equations have to be written using corresponding formula/equation editor - MathType or MS Equation Editor integrated in MS Office 2010 and higher. Insertion of equation objects as picture or within paragraph text IS NOT ALLOWED. Equations should be consecutively numbered (1), (2) etc, and mentioned in the text before their first appearance.

Symbols, terminology, abbreviations and chemical nomenclature

IUPAC recommendations for the naming of compounds should be followed. SI units, or other permissible units, should be employed. The designation of physical quantities must be in italic throughout the text (including figures, tables and equations), whereas the units and indexes (except for indexes having the meaning of physical quantities) are in upright letters. They should be in Calibri or Ariel font. In graphs and tables, a slash should be used to separate the designation of a physical quantity from the unit (example: p / kPa, j / mA cm-2T0 / K, t / h, ln (j / mA cm-2)…). Designations such as: p (kPa), t [min]…, are not acceptable. However, if the full name of a physical quantity is unavoidable, it should be given in upright letters and separated from the unit by a comma (example: Pressure, kPa; Temperature, K; Current density, mA cm-2…).. Please do not use the axes of graphs for additional explanations; these should be mentioned in the figure captions and/or the manuscript (example: "pressure at the inlet of the system, kPa" should be avoided). The axis name should follow the direction of the axis (the name of y‑axis should be rotated by 90°). Top and right axes should be avoided in diagrams, unless they are absolutely necessary.

Latin words, as well as the names of species, should be in italic, as for example: i.e., e.g., in vivo, ibid, Calendula officinalis L., etc. The branching of organic compound should also be indicated in italic, for example, n-butanol, tert-butanol, etc.

Decimal numbers must have decimal points and not commas in the text (except in the abstract in Serbian), tables and axis labels in graphical presentations of results. Thousands are separated, if at all, by a comma and not a point.


Authors are encouraged to present the information and results non-essential to the understanding of their paper as SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL (can be uploaded in Step 2 of Online Submission). This material may include as a rule, but is not limited to, the presentation of analytical and spectral data demonstrating the identity and purity of synthesized compounds, tables containing raw data on which calculations were based, series of figures where one example would remain in the main text, etc. The Editorial Board retains the right to assign such information and results to the Supplementary material when deemed fit. Supplementary material does not appear in printed form but can be downloaded from the web site of the journal Hemijska industrija.


Manuscripts have to be accompanied by a cover letter (strictly uploaded in Online Submission Step 2 as a Supplementary File). The cover letter must include a statement with the type of the submitted manuscript and a warranty by which the Author(s) claim that the submitted manuscript is original, has not been published elsewhere and has been written and approved by all the stated author(s) as well as by the responsible authorities where the work was carried out. Also, the manuscript is currently not being considered for publication by any other journal and will not be submitted for publication elsewhere while in the reviewing process in the journal Hemijska industrija. If accepted, it will not be published elsewhere including electronically, in the same form, in English or in any other language, without the written consent of the copyright-holder. The cover letter should also include the conflict of interest statement, informed consent statement and human and animal rights statement, if appropriate. The cover letter should state the novelty and scientific significance of the work presented. In addition, it is mandatory to suggest three potential reviewers. Reviewers should be experts in the field of the manuscript, and not associated with the institution, which the authors are affiliated to. The final choice of reviewers will remain entirely with the Editor. Also, optionally, the authors should state any person that is not desired as a reviewer.


This journal does not charge any Article Processing Charges (APCs)
By the decision of the Steering Committee of the Association of Chemical Engineers of Serbia, the journal Hemijska Industrija will not charge an article processing fee (APC) for manuscripts submitted since January 1, 2025.
Publication costs incurred are partially covered by The Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation of the Republic of Serbia


Hard copy of the issue with the published paper is available for the authors at the price of 20 € + 10 %, i.e. 50 € + 10 % VAT including shipping and handling for the domestic and authors from abroad, respectively.

To get an invoice with payment instruction, please contact the AChE of Serbia office via e-mail or by Phone: + 381 11 3240 018


Authorship can be changed only before the manuscript is accepted for publication.

The corresponding author has to send to the Editor a request to add or remove an author, or to rearrange the author names, which must include:

  1. the reason the name should be added or removed, or the author names rearranged and
  2. written confirmation (by an e-mail, fax, or a letter) from all authors (including the author being added or removed) that they agree with the addition, removal or rearrangement.

If a request is incomplete the manuscript will be suspended until authorship has been agreed.


Manuscripts should be submitted OnLine by logging in to the Web Site of the journal Hemijska industrija ( Registration as an Author and login are required to submit a manuscript and to check the status of the current submission.
After login, please select New Submission link.
First, you will provide preliminary information about your submission
In the Step 1 you will provide some basic information about your submission, including the abstract, and optionally, keywords and a list of references.
Step 2 provides uploading of your manuscript file and all supplementary files:
1.    Cover Letter - mandatory.
2.    Illustrations (Figure, scheme, photos...) - mandatory if manuscript contain any illustration. Illustrations must be  in .TIF or .EPS format (JPG format is acceptable for color and grayscale photos, only), as separate files or as one archived (.zip, .rar or .arj), and should be prepared according to the Instructions for Authors! Maximum single file size is 32 MB.
3.    Supplementary Material (optional, does not appear in the printed form but can be downloaded from the web site of the Hem. Ind.).
4.    Data Set (optional, any additional data that will not be published).
Please choose appropriate "Article Component" for each SUPPLEMENTARY FILE.
In the Step 3 you will be asked to add more information about contributors (i.e. authors and translators) involved in the submission. By default, your details will already be added as the primary contributor.
Step 4 - you’ll be asked to fill in optional fields to provide any information about the availability of your datasets (used when research data is shared in open data repositories) and comments to the editor.
Finally, in Step 5 you’ll be given a chance to review all of the information you’ve entered for your submission. If there are any required fields not filled out, you will be warned on this screen and given the opportunity to make corrections. After reviewing the details of your submission, you will be asked to read and agree to the copyright terms for submissions to the journal.
Click the checkbox to agree and click the Submit button.
A box will pop up asking you to confirm you are finished. Click Submit.
For any difficulties and questions related to the OnLine Submission, please refer to If difficulties still persist, please contact Hem. Ind. Editorial Office at
For Responding to a Review, please consult:  
For responding to a Copyediting or Proofreading Request consult:
Journals published by the Association of Chemical Engineers of Serbia requires authors who submit a paper to register an account with the Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier (ORCID). The registration provides a unique and persistent digital identifier, which enables accurate attribution and improves the visibility of published works. Since ORCID remains the same for the life of the account, changes in name, affiliation, or research area do not affect the discovery of previous author work and support correspondence with colleagues.
The journal requires from corresponding authors to submit ORCID upon registration, while co-authors are forwarded an ORCID attribution request upon manuscript submission, and upon potential acceptance of the paper for publication. ORCID will be published with the name of each author. 
If for any reason the author is not able to attribute ORCID, it is necessary to contact the Journal Manager at the address: It is mandatory to specify the ID of the paper to which the ORCID assignment applies.
Paper cannot be published until all co-authors have confirmed their co-authorship, using ORCID.