Scientific paper


  • Marija B. Tasić University of Niš, Faculty of Technology, Department of Chemical Engineering, Leskovac, Serbia
  • Miona S. Stanković University of Niš, Faculty of Technology, Department of Chemical Engineering, Leskovac, Serbia
  • Milan D. Kostić University of Niš, Faculty of Technology, Department of Chemical Engineering, Leskovac, Serbia
  • Olivera S. Stamenković University of Niš, Faculty of Technology, Department of Chemical Engineering, Leskovac, Serbia
  • Vlada B. Veljković University of Niš, Faculty of Technology, Department of Chemical Engineering, Leskovac, Serbia and The Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade, Serbia



Apple seeds, Aspen Plus®, Biodiesel, Economics, Supercritical technology, WAR®


Apple pomace is a solid waste derived from the apple processing industry. To foster sustainability, the apple processing industry must implement the circular economy model of biorefinery and treat apple pomace as a valuable source of apple seed oil. For the first time, this study dealt with the design, economic, and potential environmental impact assessment of biodiesel production from apple seed oil obtained from apple pomace. An Aspen Plus® and WAR® software were used to evaluate the designed biodiesel production. The main production steps were the supercritical CO2 extraction, the methanolysis of apple seed oil, the methanol recovery, and the biodiesel separation. The production facility was assumed to process 24 tons of apple seeds daily. The total capital and production costs were 1.26 US$ million and 2.82 US$ million, respectively. If revenues from selling apple seed meal as cattle feed were included, a biodiesel price could be 0.39 US$/kg. The process was environmentally friendly when apple seed meal was not treated as waste.


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29.09.2021 — Updated on 25.05.2022




How to Cite

CIRCULAR ECONOMY IN APPLE PROCESSING INDUSTRY: BIODIESEL PRODUCTION FROM WASTE APPLE SEEDS: Scientific paper. (2022). Chemical Industry & Chemical Engineering Quarterly, 28(3), 237-245.

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