Scientific paper


  • SENKA GUDIĆ University of Split, Faculty of Chemistry and Technology, Department of Electrochemistry and Materials Protection, Split, Croatia
  • LADISLAV VRSALOVIĆ University of Split, Faculty of Chemistry and Technology, Department of Electrochemistry and Materials Protection, Split, Croatia
  • ANA RADELJIĆ University of Split, Faculty of Chemistry and Technology, Department of Electrochemistry and Materials Protection, Split, Croatia
  • EMEKA EMANUEL OGUZIE Federal University of Technology Owerri, Africa Centre of Excellence in Future Energies and Electrochemical Systems (ACE-FUELS), Owerri, Nigeria
  • IVANA IVANIĆ University of Zagreb, Faculty of Metallurgy, Sisak, Croatia
  • STJEPAN KOŽUH University of Zagreb, Faculty of Metallurgy, Sisak, Croatia
  • MIRKO GOJIĆ University of Zagreb, Faculty of Metallurgy, Sisak, Croatia



copper alloys, corrosion, electrochemical methods, polarization, shape memory alloys, SEM/EDS


A comparative corrosion study of Cu and Cu-Al, Cu-Al-Ni, Cu-Al-Mn and
Cu-Al-Mn-Ni in 0.5 mol dm-3 NaCl solution was performed using an open circuit potential, potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spec­tro­scopy measurements (EIS). Scanning electron microscopy/energy-disper­sive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM/EDS) analysis was used to evaluate corrosive damage on the sample surface after polarization measurements. The reported results suggest that the alloying elements have reduced cathodic and anodic current densities in the Tafel region, increased anodic currents at higher anodic potentials, and slightly displaced corrosion potential towards more posi­tive values. Overall, impedance increased in the following order: Cu < Cu-Al < Cu-Al-Ni < Cu-Al-Mn < Cu-Al-Mn-Ni. This indicates that Cu alloys possess better corrosion resistance. SEM and EDS analysis after polarization measure­ments showed uniform dissolution of pure Cu, as well as the presence of a surface oxide layer, consisting of a mixture of the corresponding alloying ele­ments, on all investigated alloys. Aggressive anodic polarization severely dam­aged the barrier layers on the Cu alloy specimens.


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How to Cite

COMPARISON OF CORROSION BEHAVIOR OF COPPER AND COPPER ALLOYS IN AQUEOUS CHLORIDE SOLUTION: Scientific paper. (2022). Chemical Industry & Chemical Engineering Quarterly, 27(4), 383-394.

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