Original scientific paper


  • LUIZ DANIEL DA SILVA NETO Department of Chemical Engineering, Federal University of São Carlos Rodovia Washington Luís, São Carlos - São Paulo, Brazil
  • PAULO VICTOR FERREIRA LOZ Laboratory of Separation and Process Optimization Systems, Technology Center, Federal University of Alagoas, Maceió, Alagoas, Brazil
  • JOÃO INÁCIO SOLETTI Laboratory of Separation and Process Optimization Systems, Technology Center, Federal University of Alagoas, Maceió, Alagoas, Brazil
  • DAYANA DE GUSMÃO COÊLHO Laboratory of Separation and Process Optimization Systems, Technology Center, Federal University of Alagoas, Maceió, Alagoas, Brazil




biodiesel, chicken wastes, ethyl transesterification, optimization


To produce biodiesel, one of the most important factors is the quality of the oil used in the production. However, other factors such as price and availability should also be taken into consideration. Chicken wastes oil shows a very promising option for this sector, since it comes from a waste. The aim of the present study was a methodology for extraction and characterization of chicken wastes oil for production of biodiesel by ethylic transesterification, besides presenting the characterization and optimization of the process vari­ables of the production of biodiesel, the applying of RSM involving CCD. The investigation was performed following evaluation of the characterization para­meters for the oil: viscosity, density, acidity index, moisture of the sample, ref­ractive index, and saponification index. For biodiesel, viscosity, density, acidity index and ester content were evaluated. An optimum point was reached for the production of chicken biodiesel where the concentration of the catalyst is 2.1% by mass, the oil/ethanol ratio is 1:5.5 and the reaction temperature of 30 °C; at that point, a 95% conversion was achieved. At the optimum point obtained from the statistical technique for a p-value of 0.05 the results found for the phys­ical-chemical characterization of biodiesel are found in the ANP standards.


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How to Cite

FACTORIAL DESIGN AND SURFACE METHOD TO OPTIMIZE ETHYLIC BIODIESEL PRODUCTION FROM CHICKEN WASTES: Original scientific paper. (2021). Chemical Industry & Chemical Engineering Quarterly, 27(2), 155-163. https://doi.org/10.2298/CICEQ191117034S

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