Comparative analysis of water network minimization in industrial processes: Regeneration vs. non-regeneration methods

Original scientific paper


  • Azza Mohamed Khalifa General authority of import and export, Suez, Egypt
  • Nadia Ali Elsayed Department of Refining and Petrochemical Engineering, Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, Suez University, Suez, Egypt
  • Mostafa Awad Department of Refining and Petrochemical Engineering, Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, Suez University, Suez, Egypt.



Contaminant removal, mathematical modeling, optimization algorithms, regeneration methods, water network minimization


The utilization of a regeneration method in water networks provides a distinct benefit by effectively decreasing the usage of fresh water and the release of wastewater; while also preventing the accumulation of contaminants, it is crucial to employ appropriate process decomposition strategies. In this study, our primary objective is to analyze the disparity between water networks that incorporate a regeneration unit and those that do not, in addition to addressing the primary objective of minimizing fresh water usage, our study focuses on examining the influence of different process decomposition strategies on the reduction of freshwater consumption using the concentration-mass load diagram as a tool for analysis. Moreover, we explore an approach for determining interim concentrations in multiple-contaminant water systems during the concentration decomposition process. Through the reduction of fresh water consumption, regenerated water flow rate, and contaminant regeneration load, we aim to minimize the overall impact on freshwater resources, we aim to synthesize an optimally designed regeneration recycling water network. We provide evidence of the feasibility and efficacy of our proposed approach by showcasing three case studies. The outcomes of selected literature examples indicate that the designs achieved through our work are comparable to those found in existing literature.


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How to Cite

Comparative analysis of water network minimization in industrial processes: Regeneration vs. non-regeneration methods: Original scientific paper. (2024). Chemical Industry & Chemical Engineering Quarterly.

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