Advancements in phytomass-derived activated carbon for applications in energy storage systems
Original scientific paper
Activated carbon, phytomass, heteroatoms, supercapacitors, self-doped heteroatoms, circular bioeconomyAbstract
Phytomass, i.e. plant biomass-derived active carbon is a versatile electrode material for energy devices owing to their natural and ubiquitous abundance, variety, ecocentrism and unique physical properties. This article intricately reviews the recent advancements in phytomass derived activated carbon (PAC), chiefly for the supercapacitor electrodes and notably, phytomass including different parts of the plants limited to, stem, leaf, flower, seed, fruit and root for deriving ACs bestowed with excellent electrochemical performance have been considered. Advancement in the preparation of AC from phytomass, important facts associated with synthesis, physical and electrochemical attributes have also been elaborated, which is expected to furnish a fruitful direction towards advocating supercapacitors – the green energy packs. Surface of PAC is usually decorated with organic functional moieties containing heteroatoms like O, &/or S/N (referred to as self-doped heteroatoms). The synergy of these heteroatoms in enhancing the pseudocapacitance of the PAC electrodes in supercapacitors has also been featured. Further, the review provokes insights on strategies, prominent challenges, prospects and imminent opportunities and hopeful trend in support of AC from various plant parts that may power our energy-based society, scientific industries and in establishing sustainable energy sector as well by harnessing Nature’s potential.
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Funding data
Deanship of Scientific Research, King Khalid University
Grant numbers RGP.2/242/45 -
Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan
Grant numbers 55/RUSA/MKU/2021-2022