Optimization of the vinyl-monochloride recovery process for the reduction of costs and environmental impact

Original scientific paper


  • Jacqueline Arnautovic Nascimento Escola Politécnica, Universidade Federal da Bahia. Curso de Engenharia química Rua Aristides Novis, No. 2, Cep 40210-630, Salvador, BA, Brasil https://orcid.org/0009-0003-9790-489X
  • Paulo Roberto Britto Guimarães BAHIAINVESTE – Empresa Baiana de Ativos, Av. Tancredo Neves, 778, Bloco B, 1º.andar, Caminho das Árvores – CEP 41.820-904, Salvador, Bahia. Brasil
  • Regina Ferreira Vianna Escola Politécnica, Universidade Federal da Bahia. Curso de Engenharia química Rua Aristides Novis, No. 2, Cep 40210-630, Salvador, BA, Brasil https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5835-4827




Vinyl monochloride, simulation, heat exchangers in series, optimal operating conditions


Reducing environmental impacts in the production processes is the focus of large industries. In the PVC production process, the loss of vinyl monochloride (VCM) through an incineration stream of inert materials is a point of attention due to emission of greenhouse gases. VCM is lost as part of the stream of uncondensed gases from the VCM recovery unit. The optimization of the VCM recovery process was carried out by modelling the industrial system and running it using a process simulator. The unit model and simulation results have been verified through plant operating data. Sensitivity analyses were performed to identify which independent variables improved the VCM condensation rate. Based on plant operating experience, three independent variables were selected and their influence on the VCM recovery flow rate was verified: pressure, composition of the input stream and utility water flow rate. After the sensitivity analysis, the plant operating pressure was selected for optimization, resulting in the additional quarterly recovery of 7.5 tons of VCM and a reduction of more than 5 tons of natural gas fuel, that is, an annual reduction of 23 tons of fuel, which represents 53 tons of CO2eq. Overall, the annual savings amount to US$15,000, US$1,060 by reducing the consumption of fuel gas alone. Therefore, by ensuring greater VCM recovery, competitiveness improves by reducing production costs, and greenhouse gas emissions are reduced due to the decrease in gas incineration.


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How to Cite

Optimization of the vinyl-monochloride recovery process for the reduction of costs and environmental impact: Original scientific paper. (2024). Chemical Industry & Chemical Engineering Quarterly. https://doi.org/10.2298/CICEQ230825024A

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